Title: Earth Observation for the Social benefit of the Balkans
Place: Istanbul Technical University Foundation Building, Istanbul, Turkey
Date: 18-19, November, 2011
Organizers: OBSERVE [www.observe-fp7.eu], BalkanGEONet [www.BalkanGEO.Net], EGIDA [www.egida-project.eu/]
The joint workshop is organized on the occasion of the GEO Plenary Conference in Istanbul, Turkey [www.earthobservations.org/
The objective of the Workshop is to inform participants on Earth Observation activities with focus on EU and GEO, exchange views on how the above relates or can relate to Earth Observation activities in the Balkans, inform speakers and leading Earth Observation institutions on needs regarding Earth Observation in the Balkans and build-up networks and co-operations, with focus on capacity building and more extensive use of EO. All invited speakers are highly esteemed experts and officials from European and international organizations. Detailed information on the Workshop programme will be available soon at www.observe-fp7.eu
Open Call for travel grants
The OBSERVE consortium decided to help people from the Balkan countries to attend this venue. For that reason is going to offer 10 fellowship grants (roughly one per Balkan Country) covering all local costs (Registration, Accommodation, and Meals) for the duration of the Workshop.
The evaluation of the applications will be based on the applicants short CV and his relevance to GEO activities.
The applicants can download the application form through the OBSERVE website www.observe-fp7.eu and send their application to IstanbulFellowGrant@observe-
The Selection Committee
Prof. Petros Patias | Prof. Orhan Altan | Dr. Emmanuel Baltsavias |
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Coordinator of the OBSERVE project | President of ISPRS | Partner of the OBSERVE project |