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Τετάρτη 18 Ιανουαρίου 2012

The EPOS WG4 - EGU Topical Meeting: "The use of Geodetic data/tools for Seismologic and Volcanological applications"

The EPOS WG4 - EGU Topical Meeting: "The use of Geodetic data/tools for Seismologic and Volcanological applications" will take place in Thessaloniki on April 3, 2012.

This choice received the most votes on the Doodle poll (10/15). I had to move the meeting to Thessaloniki because of no extra funding was found for Paranesti.

Location is http://www.cityhotel.gr/ (room rates available under the code EPOS) and the meeting room will be at the nearby Hotel Excelsior http://www.excelsiorhotel.gr/ On the 4th and 5th of April, 2012 the GAMIT/GLOBK/TRACK software Training School will be organised on the same place.

Instructor will be Tom Herring from MIT.

Event title
The use of Geodetic data/tools for Seismologic and Volcanological applications

Joint with 3rd HemusNET International Conference (www.hemus-net.org) and GAMIT software Training School

Event location and timing
Thessaloniki, Greece – April 3 – 5, 2012

Accommodation: http://www.cityhotel.gr/
Conference: http://www.excelsiorhotel.gr/
Venue is located half hrs from Thessaloniki International Airport http://www.thessalonikiairport.gr/

Anticipated/desired number of participants/countries
30/50/Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, France, FYROM, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA

Summary of the aims and scope of the event
a) Contribution of geodesy to probabilistic seismic hazard assessments and to volcanic hazards
b) Present new research on tectonics and seismology that makes use of space geodesy products such as integration of high-rate, real-time GPS measurements and real-time seismic data,
c) Present results and current research on geodynamics and tectonics of the Eurasian – African Plate Boundary
d) Contribution to EPOS project (http://www.epos-eu.org/ (all members of the organizing committee are members of the Geodesy Working Group of EPOS)
e) Establish connections and priorities for the expansion of space geodesy and EPOS in west Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, FYROM, Albania, and Bosnia).

A two-day GAMIT workshop will follow the meeting (April 4 and 5, 2012). The workshop will include static phase processing with GAMIT and time series and velocity analysis with GLOBK. Also, data processing using TRACK. Instructor will be Tom Herring, MIT.

A summary of the context and wider justification for the event

This is an EGU/EPOS meeting for promoting a discussion between GPS/GNSS data providers and users focusing on geodynamic – geophysical applications, an initiative to discuss the role of EPOS Data Centers for GPS/GNSS data and for discussing the e-science component and the necessary ICT solutions, address the need to review the current state of knowledge on GNSS in Europe, density of stations, data sampling rate (30 second, 1 second, 10 Hz), delay of submission (from days to real-time) and practices/ideas for e-services.

This event is important in diversifying and strengthening the EGU/EPOS, in enhancing the EGU's role in the scientific process – deformation of the European plate, and in offering earth scientists the best platform for scientific and/or practical issues where they would like to improve knowledge, learning and communication of their science.

This meeting intends to present scientific research in areas where the EPOS project can significantly benefit the scientific community, like the use of high-rate and/or real-time GNSS data for seismological and volcanological studies and the study of the Eurasian-Nubian plate boundary.

Finally, its location will privilege the attendance from scientists of West Balkans and South-East Europe where the contribution to EPOS should be reinforced.

The attendance is free but there will be no travel support or any other form of financial assistance.
Single/Double Rooms have been reserved in Hotels City and Excelsior under special rates (code EPOS). The participants will receive a USB memory stick with all Workshop presentations in PowerPoint Format.
Attendance for GAMIT Training School is subjected to a registration fee of 250 Euros.

List of Scientific Committee, including affiliations and contact details
Dr Nicola D'Agostino,INGV, dagostin@ingv.it
Dr Massimo Cocco, INGV, cocco@ingv.it EPOS Management Office
Dr Rui Manuel da Silva Fernandes rmanuel@di.ubi.pt
Dr. A. Ganas, National Observatory of Athens (NOA), aganas@noa.gr
Dr Ivan Georgiev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, ivan@bas.bg
Dr Jörn Lauterjung, GFZ, lau@gfz-potsdam.de
Dr. Martin Lidberg, Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority
Dr. Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, nocquet@geoazur.unice.fr
Prof. Chris Pikridas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, cpik@topo.auth.gr

List of Organizing committee, including affiliations and contact details
Dr. A. Ganas, National Observatory of Athens (NOA), aganas@noa.gr
Dr Rui Manuel da Silva Fernandes rmanuel@di.ubi.pt
Prof. Chris Pikridas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, cpik@topo.auth.gr
Dr Alexandra Moshou (NOA) amoshou@noa.gr
Ms Christina Tsimi, (NOA) christinant@gmail.com ,
Mr Panagiotis Argyrakis (NOA) pargyrak@noa.gr
Name and contact details of contact for communication with EGU and
Abstract submission